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Saturday, 26 February 2005
No money shall be paid from public funds
Topic: 3204 is now H. 3652
South Carolina State Constitution - ARTICLE XI. - PUBLIC EDUCATIONSECTION 4. Direct aid to religious or other private educational institutions prohibited.
No money shall be paid from public funds nor shall the credit of the State or any of its political subdivisions be used for the direct benefit of any religious or other private educational institution. http://www.scstatehouse.net/scconstitution/a11.htm
South Carolina State Constitution - ARTICLE III. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT

SECTION 17. One subject.
Every Act or resolution having the force of law shall relate to but one subject, and that shall be expressed in the title. http://www.scstatehouse.net/scconstitution/a03.htm


Posted by nbhsa at 8:53 PM
Wednesday, 23 February 2005
Does H.3204 - Put Parents In Charge Bill deal with more than 1 subject?
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Does H.3204 - Put Parents
Money being sought by the SGO/Private Schools, does include Federal/State Voucher money issued to the Public Schools, correct? (The Federal voucher money for the public school receives, is based on the 2000 census and is not due to change until the 2010 Census, which also impacts the State voucher public school funding, and is the real reason for the 2010 home school phase in clause of this Bill), correct?)
The Constitution says each bill or act must deal with only 1 subject. Here I see 3 sep. subjects. being addresses in this Bill.

1-State tax credits for home schools; and

2-Federal/State voucher money for SGO's and Private Schools. Federal/State voucher money is not a State tax credit, correct? It is an actual tax dollar, correct?

3-Tax write off's, dollar for dollar, to the business, which donates to the SGO (Scholarship Granting Organization) is a third subject in this Bill, correct?

Posted by nbhsa at 12:02 AM

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